The Boilerplate Tool for Indie Hackers
Project Motivation
Most boilerplate projects only have really only give the setup the author uses, which is great because it’s been tried and tested and you’re confident it works, but so does yours.
You really only have two options when you are using their config, either learn their stack or remove what you don’t need and setup the tools you normally use. Both options still require you to spend time you could be using to build and ship doing something else.
create-startup to get rid of those two issue by giving you stable and tested boilerplate code for the tools you already use.
npx create-startup
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Use the tools you know and love
and we'll take care of the boring stuff
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Beyond Setup
Things change and evolve and so will your app. create-startup will allow you to add all the boiler plate you need to make those changes
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Made with by @programergeek (Will)